Located in the majestic Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains on the backbone of California off U. S. Scenic Highway 395, winds the secluded 15 miles June Lake Loop. Situated south of the Mono Lake Basin, which feeds thousands of migratory birds each year, all waters of the Loop flow naturally toward the alkaline Mono Lake. Before emptying into this salty lake, the freshwater creeks are partially rerouted into the California Aqueduct, which flows south to Los Angeles.
Rambling Reversed Creek must flow in a "reversed" course through this horseshoe canyon to arrive at its destination. Originating at glistening Gull Lake, Reversed Creek is spring fed along its way to spectacular Silver Lake. Likewise, the rugged side of the mountain north of June Lake faces away from Mono Lake, thus named, Reversed Peak. Reverse Creek Lodge obtained its name from these glacier formed monuments of Mother Nature.
Reverse Creek Lodge is settled "in the heart" of California State Route 158, just 4.5 miles west of U. S. Route 395, a mile and a half down canyon from the alpine village of June Lake.
Five picturesque A-frames boast breathtakingviews of the solid granite columns of Carson Peak notably possessing an elevation 10,909 feet while Reversed Creek meanders in the forest below.
A short three hundred yards from the A-frames on S.R. 158 is the office and residence of the Naaden Family designated by 2 large lit signs amid the quaking aspens.
Nine rustic cabins are nestled in the evergreen pines near a stream below the office. Across the way the large private residence home overlooks gurgling Reversed Creek.
David and Denise Naaden and family of 13 children have welcomed guests all year round to these fifteen housekeeping A-frames, cabins and home of Reverse Creek Lodge since April, 1995.
Visitors enjoy day trips to Yosemite National Park, Bodie State Historical Park, Devil’s Postpile National Monument, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, Death Valley National Park, and Mt. Whitney in the Inyo National Forest.